class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # A simple way to create a website with Blogdown ## École d’automne en statistique ### Mamadou Yauck ### 2020-09-19 --- #Étapes de la présentation - **Créer** un répertoire [GitHub](;<br> <br> - **Établir** la *communication* entre une session [Rstudio]( et un répertoire `GitHub`;<br><br> - **Transférer** les documents d’un projet `RStudio` dans un répertoire `GitHub`;<br><br> - **Créer** un projet [BlogDown]( avec `RStudio` et le *connecter* à un répertoire `GitHub`;<br><br> - **Charger** un *thème* de la plateforme [HUGO]( avec `Blogdown`;<br><br> - **Créer** un compte sur [Netlify](;<br><br> - **Établir** le *lien* entre un compte `GitHub` et un compte `Netlify`;<br><br> - **Déployer** un site web développé sous `RStudio`, avec `Netlify`, à partir d’un répertoire `GitHub`. --- #GitHub  --- #Create a GitHub repository -- 1. Open your [GitHub]( account and create a new repository (initialize with a `README` but don't add `.gitignore` for now). -- 1. Go to the main page of the repository, and under the repository name, click the **Clone or download** button. -- 1. In the **Clone with HTTPs** section, click on the clipboard icon to copy the clone URL for the new repository (we will paste this text into the terminal in the next section.) --- #Command line/Terminal  --- # Clone the GitHub repository -- We are going to create a local copy of the repository on your computer so you can make the two locations communicate (using the command line tool for Windows or the Terminal for Mac OS X). -- 1. Use `cd` to indicate the directory where you want your repository to be located -- 1. Type: `git clone [paste]`. -- 1. Close the command line/terminal. -- For more details, see [clone your remote repository]( --- #RStudio  --- class: center #What is Blogdown ?  --- #Blogdown and Hugo -- - Install the package `blogdown` from RStudio or use `install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("rstudio/blogdown")` -- - Install Hugo: ``` blogdown::install_hugo() library(blogdown) install_hugo() ``` -- - Use the `File` button in RStudio to select `File -> New Project -> Existing Directory`, then browse to the directory on your computer where your GitHub repository is and click on **Create Project**. -- - Edit the `*gitignore` file. If you want to use Netlify to deploy your website, you should add the `public/` line ([for more info]( ``` .Rproj.user .Rhistory .RData .Ruserdata blogdown .DS_Store # Thumbs.db for Windows users public/ # for Netlify ``` --- #Build your site  --- #Choose a theme ! -- To choose a theme, see [Hugo themes]( To save time, see [Bookdown suggested themes]( -- - You can use the default `lithium` theme: ``` blogdown::new_site() ``` -- - If you choose a theme, you can specify it while calling the `new_site` function. If you choose the `academic` theme: ``` blogdown::new_site(theme = "gcushen/hugo-academic", theme_example = TRUE) ``` -- - If you want to add a theme later: ``` library(blogdown) new_site() # default theme install_theme("gcushen/hugo-academic", theme_example = TRUE, update_config = TRUE) ``` --- #Some basic edits -- - Update project options by doing `Tools -> Project Options` and following [Bookdown instructions]( -- - Edit the `baseurl` in your `config.toml` file. The URL *should always* end with a `/`: ``` baseurl = "" baseurl = "/" ``` Feel free to edit other elements of the `config.toml` file ! For more details on configuration settings, read [Bookdown chapter on configuration]( -- - To view your new site locally, use the **Serve Site** button, or run `blogdown::serve_site` --- class: inverse, center, middle # Explore your new site --- #Hugo directory structure ```r . ├── archetypes ├── config ├── config.toml ├── content ├── public ├── static ├── themes ``` --- #Hugo directory structure ```r . ├── archetypes *├── config ├── config.toml ├── content ├── public ├── static ├── themes ``` --- #Hugo directory structure ```r . ├── archetypes ├── config *├── config.toml ├── content ├── public ├── static ├── themes ``` --- #Hugo directory structure ```r . ├── archetypes ├── config ├── config.toml *├── content └── author └── home └── post ├── public ├── static ├── themes ``` --- #Hugo directory structure ```r . ├── archetypes ├── config ├── config.toml ├── content ├── public *├── static └── img ├── themes ``` --- #Serve your site (locally) -- - Console ```r blogdown::serve_site() ``` -- - [The RStudio Addin `Serve Site`]( --- class: inverse, center, middle #Edit your new site For more details, see [Academic's page builder]( --- class: inverse, center, middle #Edit your new site ##Edit your home page --- ##Change your bio ```r . ├── archetypes ├── config ├── config.toml *├── content └── author └── admin └── ├── public ├── static ├── themes ``` --- ##Update your CV ```r . ├── archetypes ├── config ├── config.toml *├── content └── home └── └── └── └── ... ├── public ├── static ├── themes ``` --- #Edit the navigation bar ```r . ├── archetypes *├── config └── .default └── menus.toml ├── config.toml ├── content ├── public ├── static ├── themes ``` --- class: inverse, center, middle #Create a new post --- #New post -- - Console ```r blogdown::new_post() ``` -- - From the `R` menu: `Addins -> New Post` --- class: inverse, center, middle # Deploy your new site --- #Deploy your site in Netlify  --- #Steps to deploy your site -- - `Commit` your changes and `push` to `GitHub`. -- - Go to [Netlify]( and **Sign Up** using your `GitHub` account. -- - Log in and click on: `New site from Git -> Continuous Deployment: GitHub`. -- - Select the `GitHub` repository already in use with `blogdown`, then specify the `build` command and the `publish directory` (to `public`). -- - Your website is now deployed ! Netlify will assign you a subdomain name of the form ``. You can change the subdomai name, for example to ``. When you change your subdomain name, you must update the `baseurl` in your `config.toml` file,for example to `baseurl = ""`. For more details, see [Bookdown deployment instructions](, or [deploy with Netlify through GitHub]( --- #Reference [Alison Hill's Up and running with Blogdown]( --- class: inverse, center, middle ##Contact me [Personal website](<br> [GitHub repository](<br> [Twitter page](